Summer Skincare: How to Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Summer is a season full of outdoor activities, beach trips, and sun-soaked afternoons. However, the increased sun exposure can take a toll on your skin, leading to issues like sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Protecting your skin from the sun is crucial to maintaining its health and youthful appearance. Luckily, there are several things you can do to protect your skin and enjoy the summer months safely.

Apply Sunscreen Daily

Sun exposure is a double-edged sword. While it offers some benefits like vitamin D production, it also comes with risks like sunburn and premature aging. To reap the benefits and avoid the drawbacks, daily sunscreen application is a key. Sunscreen is the most important step in any summer skincare routine. Sunscreen acts as a shield, absorbing or reflecting UV rays before they damage your skin. Here are some quick tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of your sunscreen:

  • Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30+.
  • Use a lot, don’t use too little! Try to use one ounce, which is enough to fill a shot glass, to cover your whole body.
  • Don’t forget the often-missed spots like Ears, lips, neck, tops of feet, and backs of hands all need protection.
  • Apply 15-30 minutes before going outside and reapply every two hours or more often if sweating or swimming.
  • Heading to the beach with friends? Team up! Remind each other to reapply sunscreen throughout the day. After all, nobody wants sunburn to ruin the fun!
  • Don’t skip the sunscreen in cloudy days UV rays can penetrate clouds, so sunscreen is still essential to apply.

Seek Shade during Peak Sun Hours

While sunscreen is essential, it’s not the only way to beat the heat and protect your skin. By incorporating shade-seeking into your summer routine, you can enjoy the outdoors safely and comfortably.

Here’s why seeking shade during peak sun hours is a smart summer strategy:

  • The sun’s rays are at their peak intensity between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. By finding shade during this timeframe, you can significantly reduce your UV exposure.
  • Seeking shade can also help you stay cool and comfortable on hot summer days. Whether it’s under a tree, umbrella, or beach canopy, a little shade goes a long way.
  • Schedule outdoor activities for early mornings or evenings when the sun is lower in the sky and the rays are less intense.
  • A portable umbrella is a great way to create shade on the go. Look for one with a UPF rating for added sun protection.

Remember even in the shade, some UV rays can still reach your skin. So, applying sunscreen is still recommended, especially if you’ll be outdoors for extended periods.

Cover Your Body Properly

One of the most effective ways to protect your skin from the sun is to cover your body with appropriate clothing. This physical barrier can significantly reduce UV exposure and lower the risk of sunburn and skin damage. Here are some tips on how to cover your body properly to stay sun-safe:

  • Wear woven materials like cotton, linen, or synthetics with a UPF rating.
  • Aim for UPF 50+ clothing for maximum sun protection.
  • Opt for long-sleeved shirts, pants, sun shirts, or rash guards.
  • Choose a hat with a brim of at least 3 inches for optimal coverage.
  • Darker colors can absorb more UV radiation, offering better protection than lighter shades.
  • Invest in sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays to protect your eyes and the sensitive skin around them. Check for a label that states “UV protection up to 400 nm.”

Additional Tips to Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Summer weather can affect your skin differently than other seasons. Here are some additional tips to protect your skin from the Sun:

  • Drink plenty of water during the day to stay hydrated. Hydrated skin is happy skin!
  • Steer clear of tanning beds and excessive sun exposure to avoid long-term damage.
  • Keep your lips protected with a lip balm that has SPF protection. They need love too!
  • After spending time outdoors, take a cool shower to lower your body temperature and soothe your skin.
  • Apply a gentle, aloe Vera-based after-sun lotion to rehydrate and soothe your skin after sun exposure.
  • Even when it’s overcast, remember that UV rays can still reach you, so stay vigilant.
  • Check the UV index before heading outdoors to plan your activities wisely. Safety first!

Pros and Cons about Skin Care

Reduces the risk of painful sunburns.Frequent reapplication of sunscreen can be bothersome.
Regular protection can decrease the likelihood of skin cancer.High-quality sunscreens and protective clothing can be expensive.
Helps avoid wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of aging.Some people may experience irritation or allergic reactions to certain sunscreen ingredients.
Keeps your skin healthy and hydrated during sun exposure.Relying solely on sunscreen without additional protective measures may not provide complete protection.


Enjoying the summer doesn’t mean you have to compromise your skin’s health. By incorporating sun protection strategies like sunscreen, sun-protective clothing, and seeking shade, you can enjoy the outdoors safely while maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Remember, consistency is key! Make sun protection a daily habit, and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.